Sporting a number of awards and memberships, SolaCoat is the most impressive company manufacturing this type of coating in Australia.
We were not impressed by their various advertisements of how much the product could reduce costs/temperatures/greenhouse emissions. Claims of 'up to xx' carry less and less weight the more they are used, especially when the ecoSpecifier hosted on the site mentions 8-12 degrees which the website rounds off at 'up to 15 degrees'.
Marketing ethics aside, the large range of government and corporate customers using the SolaCoat product attest to it's widespread use and distribution as a suitable reflective paint.
Yes, and there is a comprehensive page of instructions with an offer for technical questions to be answered using the website contact form.
Solar Reflective Index (SRI):
CoolShield recently added SRI's to their public specifications and notified us. They vary between 85 and 102 for the lighter colours.
10 responsible colours (SRIs between 85 and 102) and 12 not-so-responsible colours (SRI between 21 and 58). Interestingly, the Cream colour has a slightly higher reflectivity and emissivity than the White, meaning the White SRI is 99 and the Cream SRI is the highest SolaCoat colour at 102.
Price tag:
$309.98 inc GST for 15 litres
Coverage Calculator:
Yes - on some of their various sites. Also available by roof size estimation (using number of bedrooms averages) which is quite handy for an inexperienced or non-technical applicator.